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Scientific Committee



The overall purpose of the Scientific Committee is to advise the MAD-ID Board of Directors on continuing professional education initiatives, including the program content and faculty as well as the organization’s strategic planning.


Committee Composition:

The Committee is composed of members selected by the Board based upon their perceived value as advisors to the organization. Members’ terms are reviewed annually.


The Scientific Committee has an advisory role to the organization’s leadership and as such, its membership represents a range of backgrounds, experience and expertise relevant to MAD-ID’s mission. In general, members have achieved national and perhaps international recognition for their career activities and accomplishments in the infectious diseases practice, research and education arenas. In addition, its member composition reflects a diverse mix which takes into account such factors as race/ethnicity, gender, age, disabilities and also areas of practice/employment including clinical practice, academia and the private sector.


Conflicts of Interest:

Conflicts of Interest: In accordance with the Standards for Integrity and Independence in Accredited Continuing Education adopted by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) and Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME), members of the Scientific Committee are required to submit a disclosure statement annually and any pertinent financial relationships are evaluated and resolved as per the organization’s standing policies (click here to see/review MAD-ID’s policy regarding reporting and resolution of conflicts of interest). Beyond continuing education considerations, members are recused from deliberations in circumstances where other conflicts of interest may arise.

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